Current Position: Home Bathroom Solutions
01.Transform your bathroom into a home SPA

The bathroom turns into a relaxing living space from a simple usage room. Comfortable design and convenient features have now become a popular trend of the bathroom space. Our faucets perfectly balance your vision.

Bring your bathroom into a new realm with a new perspective

SPA enjoyment brings tangible benefits to people's bathroom experience.
The design carries out continuous innovation, and leads bathroom fashion to meet the demands of contemporary users. The exquisite appearance, functions and structural design of our products bring about excellent experience for users, highlighting comfort and convenience in bathrooms.

We provide practical and intimate function designs and bring bathroom experience with tangible benefits: air-in rain shower with comfortable and water-saving features, new thermostat technology with easy and safe operation, technology of constant flow under fluctuant water pressure, shower sets with swivel diverters saving shower space, smart touch control faucet with reliable and easy operation functions, and kitchen faucet extension technology realizing distant water filling.

03.Inspiration & Planning
FLOVA丰华卫浴创办于1991年,是国内最早研发和生产混合水龙头的企业之 一,制造基地位于中国台州玉环。历经22年的发展,丰华以严格的质量管理体系为根基,在卫浴技术领域不断创新,成为全球市场上以品质而著称的专业性卫浴品牌之一。丰华二 十年坚持专业品质,为全球工程用户和数百万家庭提供了品质卓越的卫浴精品,赢得消费者、工程师和行业客户的一致认可和赞许。